Saturday, 26 March 2011

Cut! Glasgow Cinema Review..

Cannot believe that is it, I have reviewed four of Glasgow's cinema's, it's had its high points (popcorn and good movies) and its low points (ticket prices - I am a student after all).  However overall it's been really enjoyable and worthwhile...

I started off by reviewing Cineworld, the only cinema I had ever been to before in Glasgow thinking it was all you needed from a Cinema experience. But I have now realised that the cinema experience is far better going somewhere that has a little bit of character and personality, and Glasgow has a couple of places that offer this - for example the GFT is also close to the shops and it would probably work out to be cheaper.  However, the Cineworld in Glasgow is unlike any other with its glass lift it would definitely be the one I would recommend to tourists - two experiences for the price of one - and it is also probably still is the most convenient.

Before I started this blog I guess I was expecting to like the Grosvenor the best as it is in one of my favourite locations in Glasgow.  On the other hand I guess was expecting to like the GFT the least.  Since prior to my first year at university I hadn't heard of it before and if it weren't for this blog I probably would never even have checked it out.  While I was probably expecting Cineworld and Empire to come somewhere between the two.

Here is my order of preference from the places I went to see:

1. The Glasgow Film Theatre
  • I know I totally wasn't expecting this either.  To be honest it has been a tossup between this and the Grosvenor, this one completely took me by surprise.  From location to staff to drinks to the atmosphere in the theatre was just amazing.  However, what won it for me had to be that Art Deco - It was just the most unexpected experience ever.
2. The Grosvenor
  • Again fabulous character and experience - The location wasn't too bad either.  However, I guess the reason I preferred the GFT more was because I expected this one to be amazing
3. Cineworld
  •  Purely because although the whole chain, "manufactured" experience annoys me.  This unlike every other Cineworld that I have been too, had that something special - how tall it is, the glass lift and its location
3. Empire Cinemas
  • Although the staff was so helpful and I loved how it wasn't too big, it was still a warehouse near a shopping complex.  To be honest it is also quite out of the way and inconvenient.  However, I would go back here again as the staff were lovely and they do cheaper tickets on a Tuesday...Maybe it's because luck wasn't on my side that day and Gnomeo was a little bit of a letdown.
This has been such a great experience and I am sure now I know about them I will definitely visit all four again - although I have found myself recommending the GFT to all of my friends (may have formed a slight bias).  Again I really hope that maybe in a few years ticket prices will become more manageable again, although I doubt it.  Therefore I will continue to rely on my Orange Wednesdays, and perhaps I will see if other cinema's- like the Empire Cinemas- do cheaper tickets on a Tuesday - every little helps after all.

Again I have to finish this blog as I started, by reiterating the fact that although the Glasgow Film Festival may be over for 2011 it's definitely worth checking out next year - If not for the films then do it for the venues (cinema's).
I hope you continue to enjoy Films and every venue Glasgow has to offer, don't just stick with what you know, try something new - you won't regret it...

That's all from me, I going to leave you with a youtube clip about my favourite cinema from this experiance...

Hannah xx

Monday, 21 March 2011

GFT: A welcomed surprise...

I must say out of all four of the cinema's I have been too this is the one that I knew least what to expect...I had never really passed it or heard of it, and I have never really had any great urge to visit it.  But this was one great cinema 'Experience'.
I was in quite high spirits before the film I had just been out for a nice meal and it was a really nice night walking up Sauchiehall Street. The cinema wasn't hard to find and it is not far from the shops and restaurants. However, when you arrive the outside of the cinema is quite modest and understated and it doesn’t jump out at you. From the moment you step inside the contrasts between this cinema and other cinemas are obvious. Unlike most other chain cinema's which feel like a big warehouse with bright lights and the smell of popcorn.  This cinema felt quite closed in, much like a classic house decorated with Art deco. There was no smell of popcorn or children screaming but the murmur of friendly conversation from the people sat in the cafe. There were two people selling tickets that were polite and not in a rush, not like Cineworld where there are rows of workers trying to get your order out as quickly as possible. Here you buy your tickets and then you buy your drinks and snacks from a cafe. I was also expecting the tickets to be outrageously expensive as you were getting what felt like better quality service and the venue was superb but it was Orange Wednesdays and our tickets came to £2.75 each - not over the top at all!!

There was quite a big queue at the cafe which was quite small and unlike the usual popcorn, nachos, hot dogs and pick 'a' mix's being sold, here you could buy flap jacks, crisps or cakes. There was also a wide array of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages. We bought an apple juice, a diet coke, and a dairy milk fruit and nut which was hugely cheaper than the average cinema coming in at under three pounds- for all that and the diet coke was from a can, not watered down. You were given your drink in a glass in which you were allowed to take into the cinema.

The audience at this cinema was a far more mature audience compared to the usual audience at the cinema's I usually visit. The cinema was more like a theatre than a regular cinema and there was plenty of choice of comfortable seats. There was only one thing that I found inconvenient was the fact that they didn’t have anything to put your drink in to hold it, so I spent half the film worrying about knocking my drink over. I absolutely loved the atmosphere you honestly could not hear anything - no ruffling of sweetie bags or people chatting to their friends. The atmosphere was amazing I have never experienced a feeling like that on a trip to the cinema before.

We had decided to go see 'Never Let Me Go' which stars both Kiera Knightley and Carey Mulligan and to be honest I haven't seen many movies with Carey Mulligan in them but she was incredible  I would highly recommend this movie for people to go see as the actor’s performances are amazing.  The story is good and intriguing but certainly don't go along if you want to see a feel good film that will make you feel all warm inside when you leave - it had my friend that laughs at emotional movies in tears.

Overall I would highly recommend the Glasgow Film Theatre cinema experience as it creates an atmosphere you can't get anywhere else, I wouldn't advise you go there if you want to have a laugh with your mates through the film.  I will definitely be checking it out again....

Hannah xx

Monday, 14 March 2011

Glasgow Film Theatre

To be honest until a couple of months ago when I began researching the Glasgow Film Festival I had never even heard of the Glasgow Film Theatre before.  It had just completely passed me by; I had no idea what it was about.  For 36 years the GFT has been leading the way in specialised cinema and the Glasgow Film Theatre is, ‘a year-round screening programme of the classics of world cinema and contemporary art house films.' The cinema is situated in the centre of Glasgow just off Sauchiehall Street on Rose Street, which makes me even more surprised that I hadn't heard of it until recently.  It is a perfect venue for people out shopping or out for a nice meal.

The GFT in the upcoming weeks is going to be showing films such as Benda Bilili! Les Diaboliques, Patagonia and  Submarine.  Apart from the fact I had previously never heard of the GFT before if I am going to be brutally honest I have kind of been holding off on going to visit this cinema.  Mainly because none of the films that are shown here are what I would normally go to see.  I mean I highly doubt you would be seeing Tangled, Gnomeo and Juliet or Chalet Girl here - you just wouldn't - and these are the types of films that I am generally into.  It is kind of making me jump to assumptions about the type of people who will go to watch films here and it is also giving me the impression that it is going to be really expensive.  However, I have finally found a film that might appeal to me, ‘Never let me go’  so I think I am going to check that one out.

Here is some information on the Glasgow Film Theatre:
- The GFT is part of Scotland's culture, and it is the heart of the Glasgow Film Festival in the spring
- The inside hosts incredible Art Deco designs and features
- The building was previously used by the Cosmo which opened in 1939
- The Scottish Film council took over it and reopened it in 1974 as the Glasgow Film Theatre
- The GFT is an independent cinema house

I am really apprehensive about going to visit this one, I honestly have know idea what to expect, and I have a feeling it's not really going to be my scene.  I love quaint, different cinema's but I have a feeling that this may be a little bit fancy for me.  I am keeping an open mind though, and I am quite excited now for going to see a film I would perhaps not normally see…

Hannah xx

Grosvenor: everything I imagined and £1.50 more...

My love for this cinema has only strengthened since going to watch a movie here.  As I had previously said I had always walked past this cinema and just never really had the time to go in.  However, everything was right, from the cinema experience to the film we saw.  The cinema was just as quaint and old fashioned inside as it was on the outside.  The fact that it is based in Ashton Lane one of my favourite streets in Glasgow, that has one of my favourite restaurants in Glasgow, Ketchup, is not the point.  As soon as you walk through the doors it feels so welcoming and the experience is amazing.  It's the perfect setting for this cinema and the cinema being small and old fashioned fits in with the feel of Ashton Lane.  It looks like a mini theatre from the outside with it's bright lights and now showing board, I just love it...Another plus about this cinema is that it is easy to get to from the centre of Glasgow just get a subway from Buchannan Street station to Hillhead and you are pretty much there.

However, I have one major flaw with this cinema....we had decided to go on a Thursday to the 2.20pm showing of Chalet girl (mainly as Ed Westwick is in the movie and I am a massive Gossip Girl fan) and as I didn’t know how busy it would be I decided to purchase our tickets in advance, online - bad idea.  An adult ticket was £6.50 and a student ticket was £5.00 not that bad I guess but it's the fact that after these extortionate ticket prices they hit you with a £1.50 booking fee.  This makes a student ticket now an adult price, totally not worth pre booking in my opinion, seeing as the cinema was busy but it wasn't packed.  It annoys me so much as I had already in my previous blogs been talking about the extortionate ticket prices but with a £1.50 booking fee it makes you think is it really worth it....The answer to that is in this cinemas case yes it is. 

The staff were friendly and polite, the seats were comfy (lovely leather seats with plenty of space to put drinks and plenty of leg room) everything was just perfect about this cinema, really really perfect it had been the one I had been looking forward to and it was everything I imagined the experience would be.  I only wished I could have gone at a later time as I love Ashton Lane at night with its bright lights, but as it's a small cinema its programme is quite limited.  It usually shows around six to eight different movies, and on the week I went to see Chalet Girl it was only showing it at 2.20pm everyday so it's not really as if I had a choice as to if I wanted to see it at a later time. 

As for the film Chalet girl it was surprisingly amazing, it was extremely funny, light hearted and held my attention the whole way through - Ed Westwick was a major bonus in the film.  I would highly recommend this film to everyone and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I would probably have to say my favourite film so far, it was brilliant.

So, the perfect film for an amazing cinema, everyone should go check it out, it is probably the best experience there is out there....forget those Cineworld and Empire experiences The Grosvenor is the place to be...

Hannah xx

Saturday, 5 March 2011

The Grosvenor

I am actually so excited for going to visit this next cinema; it has been the one cinema out of all the ones in and around Glasgow that I want to check out.  It's the Grosvenor Cinema on Ashton Lane.  I pass it all the time and have always been desperate to check it out, but I have just not really gotten round to it.  Now I am finally going to get to experience it next week and I cannot wait. 

The thing that has always caught my eye with this cinema is the fact that from the outside it looks quaint and modest almost old fashioned, such a massive contrast to the other cinemas I have been too- I can't wait to experience a proper 'theatre' trip.  To me small cinemas are what I always imagined the cinema experience to be like, and I love visiting Ashton Lane it's probably one of my favourite places to go to in Glasgow.  It's the perfect place for a cinema in Glasgow's West End...

Even the Grosvenor's website gets me excited with it's old fashioned, classic feel  I like how instead of cinema listings the website has a programme of what is going to be shown it makes it feel more like a theatre than anything else - which I like.

So now here are some interesting facts about the Grosvenor on Ashton Lane:
- There are a total number of 2 screens in this cinema
- With 208 seats altogether - 104 per screen
- The cinema first opened in May 1921
- It reopened on the 28th of November 2003 to the public

I think I am going to go and see Chalet Girl at this cinema as although the trailer didn't look that good Ed Westwick is in it and a few of my friends have been raving about it.  But I guess I will wait and see what is showing and what times suit… I physically cannot wait to visit this one...

Hannah xx